May 31, 2012

I really don't know how to do this. I guess I started this blog as a way to get my thoughts of the day out of this insane mind of mine.  All I do all day long is picking up after kids and hubby, washing dishes, vacuum, mop, fix the car, clean the computer, and make sure everyone has been feed, bathed, done with there stuff before they go to bed. That all in a days work. I can see why some parents go alittle crazy.

 Now it the summer time the kids are home! And cleaning a house with kids home is like shoveling snow while it's snowing. It's impossible.  (I seen that on Facebook) So some of it does get done, but most of the time if anyone show up it looks like I had a teenage party the night before.

And I know what somepeople are saying...get your children to help pick up.  I do they get alittle bit of money if they help, but they don't always help. So after everybody settle down and getting ready for bed. I'm getting ready to clean house, again ( I roll my eyes) Top it all off cleaning house is the most boreing thing I've ever done. All it is, is pick up this mess, and move on to the next one.  Washing the same dishes, counters, and stove. (sigh) My aunt once told me to put on music while you clean.  I try it also, doesn't work.  So I'm just a bored house wife.