Jun 28, 2014

All fun-ed out!!


Well I"m all fun-ed out, someone get me away from here. I've had enough adventure. I can't take not having a bed, being able to walk around in my own place without fear of someone coming to the door, which happen about 3 times a day. Or someone walking in to work on the place. My back, head, and whole freaking body hurts. Oh and the stress, Stress kill ya, and apparently I'm test that theory out. With this cyst disease, gull stones, and swollen ankle, my body is falling a part. The docs, can't do anything about the cysts, or the gull stones (well they can remove them with surgery, but they wont cause I don't have a stable place to rest afterwards.) And I'm one water pills, so I have to GO every hour or less. So much fun. NOT.

Jun 19, 2014

Since living in a tent is the way of life.

Honestly, I'm not doing so good living in the tent, I'm really stress out, we really don't have enough food for 3 meals a day, so we been going to the soup kitchen to have lunch.  My daughter is in summer school so I know she is eating, but my son is with me everyday, and if I don't have something for lunch neither does he. But think the higher power for good people, who work in a kitchen to feed the people that don't have enough. 

But we got some good news, we might be getting out of the tent in a day or so.

Jun 11, 2014

Operation: SALT (Summer Adventure Living in a Tent)

I'm not a HOUSEwife anymore, I'm a TENTwife now. Due to some issues. We had to move out of the apartment and are staying in a tent on the river.  Sounds fun right? I'm blogging about it, you can get it though the tab up top or here http://summertent.blogspot.com/

Here's the question can we survive??