Jul 30, 2014

poem A Woman on Purpose is Enough

A Woman On Purpose is Enough!

She always was Enough.
She always will be.

She sometimes finds it hard to find.
She sometimes finds it hard to feel.
She sometimes feels unworthy, broken, shamed.

She always knows that deep inside,
Her soul has always been,
Enough to get back on her feet,
Enough to start again.

She knows today is yet again,
A gift unwritten, pure.
As the day she came into this world,
Enough to start, for sure.

Sometimes She will make mistakes.
Feel unheard, alone.
Her self-worth feeling not quite up to
The task to which she was born.

Enough a Woman she always was
Enough she’ll always be.
To start anew
Begin again
Keep keeping On the game

Of Life that she is playing
Her sisters feel it too
Holding hands they will unite
Enough to win the game.

For they have duties here on earth
To Love, to Lead, to Serve.
Those less fortunate than her
Those that have more pain.

She cries out loud
To all and to herself
For she has secrets to be told
And gifts to give the world.
You are enough! Right now.

You can start from here.
You don’t have to be better than you are to begin.
You will make mistakes.
You will have to give yourself permission.
You are perfect just as you are.

The world needs your gifts – It is time for you to become A Woman On Purpose


Someone shared this on Facebook and I fell in love with it.  I looked in to it and it's out of an book that was written by Alexandra Gold, and As soon as life will let me, I will get that book.