Sep 8, 2014

I'm still going strong!!!

Even though I have no internet, most of my stuff is still in storage, I'm still moving forward in life.  As soon as I have time I'm going to get my CREATIONS out of storage and place them online to be sold.  Something I've been needing to do in the last year. So this month is going be a start, rather anybody likes it or not.  I need to do something for me, and that crafting.   I missing making my creations.

That was written 3 days ago, while i didn't have internet.  But today I do, so


I got my Creation makin, stuff out of storage, and I've started fixing some of the stuff I kept with me while I was "having an adventure" so last night that's what I did and I feel great.  I realize last night I really miss it and need it with me. 

OH!! and here's a pic of what I found in the Bathroom this morning. If you can find the praying mantis, you have good eyes, cause The Hubby didn't see it.