May 7, 2015


Just searching the web, mostly cause I can't sleep. So I found a website about "Hippy" (not that I don't believe in Hippies, I just call them free spirits.  Just like me.)   So there was an article about Native American Zodiac, I know about Astrology, I really didn't know there were different types of zodiac signs. So I'm doing some research.

 I was born on November 1, 1982.

Native American 

Snake: Oct 23 – Nov 22
A highly spiritual Native American animal symbol, Snakes are very in tune with matters of the heart and inner enlightenment, making them natural spiritual leaders. Snakes are also known for their amazing healing capacities, enabling them to excel at any medical profession. The philosophical insight of the Snake can be somewhat intimidating to others, and this sign is sometimes viewed as mysterious or even frightening. Don’t let this put you down, however, as the Snakes fifth sense makes them quite unique, insightful, and deep. Although the Snake can be secretive and a bit dark, he/she is also sensitive and compassionate. The Snake can be cool, inspiring, and helpful, but also sometimes violent and prone to abnormal mood swings.

I know I'm a Scorpio, that the one everyone knows.

Scorpio in a Nutshell:

Scorpio is the astrology sign of extremes and intensity. Scorpios are very deep, intense people, there is always more then meets the eye. They present a cool, detached and unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive. Scorpios have a very penetrative mind, do not be surprised if they ask questions, they are trying to delve deeper and figure things out and survey the situation. They always want to know why, where and any other possible detail they can possibly know. Scorpio's are very weary of the games that other people try to play and they are very aware of it. Scorpios tend to dominate and control anyone that lets them, or anyone that they find weak. The person that a Scorpio respects and holds close to them is treated with amazing kindness, loyalty and generosity. On the outside, a Scorpio has great secretiveness and mystery. This magnetically draws people to them. They are known to be controlling and too ambitious but only because they need control for this makes them feel safe.

Mayan Astrology: Grass

Mayan Astrology Profile: Grass

Grass Characteristics:

Alternative Name: Road
Direction: South
Gemstone: Malachite
Color: Yellow
Mayan Name: Eb
Significance: Resolution
Friend: Reed
Foe: Wind

Grass Personality:

You are Grass (or Road), the twelfth Day Sign of Mayan astrology. You are very adaptable, cooperative, and ready to lend a hand to those in need. However, expressing your feelings can be hard for you, so you tend to keep them inside. You may take a while to start working on a project or toward a goal, but once you get the ball rolling, you work hard to achieve it. You live life on your own schedule and terms. Some of your greatest strengths are your caring, nurturing personality and your ability to keep your emotions in check. Regular self-improvement is an important thing for you, and you're an expert problem-solver who others admire.

Grass Keywords:

Strengths: Rigorous, Adaptable, Regardful
Weaknesses: Reserved, Introverted

Astrology, Scorpio
Aztec sign
Native American Zodiac.


"Scorpio" by Josephine Wall  
“Egyptian Girl with Snakes” by Frances Bramley Warren