Jan 27, 2014

Family Day trip.

Today was a nice day to go out with the family and see places we haven't been. We went to Monte Ne. A town on the beaver lake that was submerge. Here a Wiki about it. Monte Ne. 
This is the 3 story tower over looking Beaver Lake.

The kids playing on some of the ruins.

The places was still under water, so we didn't get to see that much. 

Then we went to Pinnacle Hills, to the Promenade Mall, "One of the Largest Mall in Arkansas"!!! We went to Cabela's, a really cool outdoorsy store. Hunting, fishing, and camping. There was everything there. The kids really like the fish tank.  Here some the pic of the fish...

Big freckin' Catfish!!!

Jan 25, 2014

Nice and sunn-oh wait what?!?

Today, it's nice almost 60 degree. Fun!!!!!  Went outside and the kids play, but I clean the yard :( oh well.  The kitty even had fun.
Midnight kitty!! up in a tree.
It's going to be nice, tomorrow. But Monday, it's going to be in the 20's. I can believe this weather. then again It's Arkansas. (motto: if you don't like the weather wait, it will change.)

Jan 24, 2014

Create my life

I've been working on Leonie Dawson "2014 Create Your Amazing Year in Life and Biz workbook" workbook, I even had help.

This is Midnight.  He thinks he's helping.

I'm really enjoying working on it. I wasn't sure at first. Even though I jump into situation head first, I wasn't sure this wasn't some gimmick, for somebody else to get rich. But after a mouth and working on it everyday, and using it. I notice myself changing for the good.  I've been trying to figure out how to multitask and manage time so I can be a good mother, wife, student and business owner, Plus take care of myself.  I haven't quite got the business going right now. But I figure If I can get the rest to line out, I can just drop that in and it should just work (I know better, there will be bumps, but I think I can handle them now.)

I was looking into ETSY again and I think, I'm going to sell my stuff. I will be honest. I'm scared. (what if my product doesn't see, what if no one like it, what if I fail.)  That the change I'm going to have to take.

Jan 10, 2014

OK, so I slacked off

Slacking off wasn't the plan. I was going to CREATE something. But snow hit hard kids been out of school, and my online classes started. YAY!!!  I will post something this week. I don't know what but I will.

I have been working on 2014 Create you Amazing year Life + Biz workbook by Leonie Dawson. I followed her blog for over a year and finally got up the courage to buy her book. Has I'm going though it I'm learning a lot about myself. I"m not that far in to the book yet, I wonder what else will I learn throughout the book.

Seen this online and loved it!!!  Something to live by.

Jan 1, 2014

This Year 2014

Found this on Facebook, and loved it!!!

This year will be different, beautiful, and amazing. This is the year things are going to change. The year things will come together for me. Starting today, I will finish any project I started, learn something new this year, and be more outgoing.  I'm going to live up to My potential. I'm going to do good in school, be a good parent to my kids, wife to my hubby, and take care of myself.

This is a promise to my self.