Jan 10, 2015

Well it's winter!!

It's so COLD!!!! The other night we had 3 degree temps. and been rising alittle since, like 12 degrees then 15 degrees at night.  last night it was 21 degrees. Been beacated in the living room with the heaters, the rest of the house has been but off with blankets on the doors and windows. But I did get the living room around 55 - 60 degrees at night in here. So it's not that bad.

During this time the water in the pips are frozen.  I know the other night it was going to friz and we left the water dripping. but it still froze. OK, so a pipe broke. and we called the landlord and he called someone to come out that night and that guy used a whole roll of electrical tape to stop the leak. So ok, we have water kinda.  Then we went ahead and turn the water off outside to make sure it didn't leak during the night.  The next morning, we turned the water back on for the water that was left in the pips are frozen. The only water that comes in the house is in the toilet. So we haven't had water in the sinks or shower for 3 days. It's so much fun living in a crappy house.

~~~~~~GOOD NEWS!!!!~~~~~~~~~

We're working on getting out of here and in to our own house!!!  The timeline looks to be march when we move out of here and into something better!!!

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