Jan 31, 2013

String of beads

I figure with the 2 sets of earring I made, I might want a neckless to go with them. So I sat down and put the pearl like beads on a string. And it come out like this.

Jan 29, 2013

pearl beaded earrings

Yes!! Another pair of earrings. These are nice, cheap, light to wear.

 Here the stuff you'll need

  • Jewelry beading wire (mine was 24 gauge, but any size will work as long as your bead can slide on it.)
  • Fish hook earring 2 (mine are gold in color, cause I'm all out of silver)
  • 2 jump rings
  • 2 headpins
  • And Beads (I used 36 little, 10 medium, 2 large plastic pearl and 30 metal) but use what ever your heart desires and BE CREATIVE!!

  1. First thing I do is get about 4 inch length of wire. (you will not need that much but always good to have extra) 
  2. Then I use my round nose pliers to make a hoop at one end. That will keep the beads from falling off the other in. 
  3. I placed 9 little pearl beads, then 2 medium, and one large. Then work my way backwards 2 medium and 9 little. Make another hoop at the end of it. 
  4. Cut the extra off and put in your recycle wire holder or trash. (I put mine in a recycle wire holder, I will use them in another project.)
  5. Do the same step as #2, then place 15 metal beads on. Do another hoop at the end of it and repeat step #4.

  • You should have 2 extra medium pearl beads left they go in the middle. Use a head pin put the bead on, then make a hoop at the end of it. Cut the extra off.
  • Start putting all together like below, Use a jump ring, put the strand of pearl  then metal, and the single pearl. Then other part of the metal strand and the pearl.  Remember the fish hook earring (cause I forgot them when I took the picture oops) And close the jump ring.
  •  I had to bend mine in to the tear drop shape I wanted. Just Repeat the steps to do the other earring.

Jan 18, 2013

"How to" easy Earrings.

EARRING!!!! I sometimes make stuff when I'm bored and have nothing to do. All the house work - DONE!! Shopping - DONE. No one calling me or txting me, someday no one love me. :( But that ok! I can do somethings I want to do. So today I made these really simple earrings.  Took like maybe 10 min. (That's after I found all the stuff I needed). wink 

  1. a tray to put everything on.
  2. needle nose pliers 
  3. wire cutters
  4. 2 earring hooks
  5.  2'in Head Pin
  6. beads (whatever you like)
     *My pliers are a two in one.                                           
Pearl beads (yes there plastic, I'm broke).

Start by putting the beads on the head pins. (In any order, what ever looks good TOO YOU).

Next take the needle nose pliers but then as close to the top bead and bend the wire around the tip of the pliers.

Take the wire cutter and cut off the access wire. I'm in to recycling so I put the wire that is not needed aside, cause you can make jump rings. 
 But that can be another project.

Use the pliers to put the headpin with bead on to the earring hooks.
GOOD LUCK TO ANYBODY WHO TRY'S IT.  It really easy and didn't take much time.

Have Fun everybody.

Jan 15, 2013

I know what to do!!!!

I know what to do with this blog, I've been trying to figure out what to so with this for more then a month. At first I thought about just a daily journal  But who really wants to hear about laundry, dishes and sweeping. I don't and I know no one really want to read it. So I decided to put my arts, craft, decor  and food recipes on here - stuff a housewife really does. When I got really bored I make ear rings and hair stuff. Here some of them.

I also paint abstract art.


So that's it. Lets try this. I may not be able to post daily but I do try to have a life outside.

Jan 13, 2013


You know when you first start painting your nail and you mess up by painting the side of your nail and hit the finger. By using petroleum jelly. I was laying in bed thinking about how to keep polish off my fingers and I thought if you can clean off hair dye with the petroleum jelly then it should work for anything. I try in on my nails and it work!!!

Jan 11, 2013


Why do I get so bored? I ask myself at 1:42 am in the morning... I really should be asking why can't I sleep? Oh well. I guess I'm just a night owl.