Jan 29, 2013

pearl beaded earrings

Yes!! Another pair of earrings. These are nice, cheap, light to wear.

 Here the stuff you'll need

  • Jewelry beading wire (mine was 24 gauge, but any size will work as long as your bead can slide on it.)
  • Fish hook earring 2 (mine are gold in color, cause I'm all out of silver)
  • 2 jump rings
  • 2 headpins
  • And Beads (I used 36 little, 10 medium, 2 large plastic pearl and 30 metal) but use what ever your heart desires and BE CREATIVE!!

  1. First thing I do is get about 4 inch length of wire. (you will not need that much but always good to have extra) 
  2. Then I use my round nose pliers to make a hoop at one end. That will keep the beads from falling off the other in. 
  3. I placed 9 little pearl beads, then 2 medium, and one large. Then work my way backwards 2 medium and 9 little. Make another hoop at the end of it. 
  4. Cut the extra off and put in your recycle wire holder or trash. (I put mine in a recycle wire holder, I will use them in another project.)
  5. Do the same step as #2, then place 15 metal beads on. Do another hoop at the end of it and repeat step #4.

  • You should have 2 extra medium pearl beads left they go in the middle. Use a head pin put the bead on, then make a hoop at the end of it. Cut the extra off.
  • Start putting all together like below, Use a jump ring, put the strand of pearl  then metal, and the single pearl. Then other part of the metal strand and the pearl.  Remember the fish hook earring (cause I forgot them when I took the picture oops) And close the jump ring.
  •  I had to bend mine in to the tear drop shape I wanted. Just Repeat the steps to do the other earring.

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