Nov 20, 2013

Accidentally going to college

Accidentally going to college...That right. Accidentally!! The story is that me and my sister was talking about how she went back to school for a different degree. And I was telling her that I was thinking about how I couldn't choose between being a teacher or own a bar. She asked why a teacher, and here the points I told her. ~I'll be at work when the kids are in school. ~It would look better on me being a parent ~I really love teaching kids, but my kids. doesn't really seem good. So I decided to say the points of owning my own bar. ~I always dream of owning a place where people can get together and have fun. ~Music playing (possibly live!) ~I can be myself without have people want to get me fired for one thing or another. (I have tattoos and here in this region some parents have a problem with that.) So owning a bar is it for me. I really like that direction for me. BACK TO THE STORY. I just looked up business school online and I click on one and all I was going to do is get information on the school and the courses I would have to take.I just wanted to look and have info. Next thing I know I get a phone call and two days later I was enrolled. It was a head spin. Now I'm on my 6th week of classes and my head is still spinning with how fast it happen. But I'm glade I even looked. So that how I say I accidentally started going to college.

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