Dec 31, 2014

2015 NOT reslution but Goals.

This year I'm not going to do the usual about "I"m going to do this...." crap I've done in the past. I'm going to do the "I'm going to WORK on..."  I think a Life style change is in order. I want and need a healthy life.

I know I want....

Meditation everyday
Drink more water (everyday)
Walk more
Deal with my emotion better
Get with Mother Nature more.
saving money
Selling my creation (same goal every year, but something always happens.)

I'm thinking about starting slow on ONE item at a time for a month.
Meditation, before bed, even for a few minutes.
Drinking more water. start out by on bottle a day for a week, then 2 the next week.
Walking further away from the stores.

Dec 29, 2014

Word or Words for 2015

I have two words this year.

Self-Care (something that everyone harps on me about, I do things for others and not myself.) I shouldn't feel guilty for taking a simple shower. I feel like that cause, I'm taken time away from my family and housework. I should feel bad, for having a bad day or a bad moment. This year I should do one thing a week that if for ME. Rather it is to paint my nails or have time to myself. And NOT feel guilty for taking a shower.

Brave (I graduate collage in 2015!! Need to be brave to go out and get that job I want.) I'm scare of rejection and failure. I really never had a job other then housewife. And that will change this year. I know I want a job that will further my goal into owning my own business. 

Dec 24, 2014

People with PTSD

People with PTSD, shouldn't be abandon, while their are healing, they need to be listen to, cared for and know that someone is there.

We as a people should know this, but today, a good friend of mine was kick out and block from a group that was helping her deal with her trouble past. And no one will tell her what she did wrong.

She was added to the group in Mid November of this year. So she was only there for a month,  She decided to become an admin to the group on Monday, cause one of her faults that that she scared to help people, but likes to help people And when she got up this morning, (Wednesday) She was kick out of both. She know she feels abandoned and alone.  She's been abandoned her whole life, so this is a step back for her.

I'm writing this, cause I am mad, I have seen her grow to love herself and be someone she wants to be. And in the last month she was so excited that she found people who had some of the same experience and that she could talk to, and now this. How dare they do this. It makes me wonder who all that done this to.

Dec 22, 2014

MY kids are angels.

And the reason why I say that is the other night. At my son second appointment of that day, after having a day of appointments. First with my son at the neurologist in a town 45 mins. away from home, then my hubby in a town 30 way from home, and then my son again in home town. At least the appt. times where spaced out there I can get to all of them. And on my way home pick up a friend so I can take her shopping, she needed some stuff, and it was on the way. But It was a long day driving. So at my son second appointment and the last one of that day. I was tired. So while he was in there talking to his therapist, my friend is an aunt to him went in there with him so, I decided to close my eyes and JUST sit there. Yeah Right, what made me think I can get away with that. 

There was this, I'll say 5 maybe 4 year old paying, and he was good and quiet for a while then it started....

It started out him telling his mom he was thirsty, then demanding a drink - hot cocoa. She didn't get up and he asked for what she was drinking, She said, coffee, she says no, cause he would bounce of the wall. Then he pester her until she gave in "one" drink... 5 or so drinks later, he was drinking it and she was just telling him to stop put it down, after every drink he took. Ok, then she proceeded to get up and see if there was any hot cocoa. In the office we have a one cup coffee, tea, hot cocoa, machine, Hot cocoa is a seasonal item, and sometimes it's just not there, due to that fact we're in a children clinic. So...

 There wasn't, so she made him coffee cause he didn't want tea. I mean really there is water and tea. But he said no. Who the hell is the parent here?

So sad say, I didn't get to shut my eyes until they left. and because I couldn't get my nap, I type this out on my phone, while it was happening.  And when my son came out. I thanked him for not being a rude little boy he could have been.