Dec 24, 2014

People with PTSD

People with PTSD, shouldn't be abandon, while their are healing, they need to be listen to, cared for and know that someone is there.

We as a people should know this, but today, a good friend of mine was kick out and block from a group that was helping her deal with her trouble past. And no one will tell her what she did wrong.

She was added to the group in Mid November of this year. So she was only there for a month,  She decided to become an admin to the group on Monday, cause one of her faults that that she scared to help people, but likes to help people And when she got up this morning, (Wednesday) She was kick out of both. She know she feels abandoned and alone.  She's been abandoned her whole life, so this is a step back for her.

I'm writing this, cause I am mad, I have seen her grow to love herself and be someone she wants to be. And in the last month she was so excited that she found people who had some of the same experience and that she could talk to, and now this. How dare they do this. It makes me wonder who all that done this to.

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