Dec 31, 2014

2015 NOT reslution but Goals.

This year I'm not going to do the usual about "I"m going to do this...." crap I've done in the past. I'm going to do the "I'm going to WORK on..."  I think a Life style change is in order. I want and need a healthy life.

I know I want....

Meditation everyday
Drink more water (everyday)
Walk more
Deal with my emotion better
Get with Mother Nature more.
saving money
Selling my creation (same goal every year, but something always happens.)

I'm thinking about starting slow on ONE item at a time for a month.
Meditation, before bed, even for a few minutes.
Drinking more water. start out by on bottle a day for a week, then 2 the next week.
Walking further away from the stores.

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