Oct 22, 2014

Just one more thing in life.


I want to scream. I got behind on homework, when my Daughter decided she needed start having temper tantrums at school and started hurting others. So they had to evacuate the class room and call me to take her home. I didn't have internet, so I had to go to the library to do homework and stuff. And when I had to go get her, no library for me, or stay up late to go to a 24 hour WiFi spot, which means fast food restaurant.

I got her lined out, internet at home. Then my son teacher called me to tell me he having headaches everyday, and wants me to start taking him to the doc to see whats going on. So the first thing I decided to do what for him to see an eye doctor. - his eyes are fine. That means, it's possibly neurological or his faking it. But the school wants me to figure it out, so more doc's appt. FUN. With everything going on I got really behind on my school work.

This last week, I finally got my home caught up. I had to finish 2 assignments that was due, Tuesday night. Then on Monday, my computer decided it didn't want to work for me. Viruses. Fucking Viruses. If an't one thing, it's another.   So as of today, I can kinda work on my computer, but I'm 2 assignments late and have class in a couple of hours.  It will get better.

Oct 20, 2014


What is the school system thinking, 99.7 is a fever! I don't think so, back when I was going to school  100° or over for us, to get to go home. My daughter school call me today because her tummy hurt and she had a 99.7° temperature. I mean really!! They want her to go home over that, couldn't believe it. I actually talk to the nurse about it and about the how she don't eat breakfast is the reason why her tummy hurts and how she will do that to go home. And the only reason why this causes the culmination of sluggishness, her tummy hurt, and the low-grade fever.

I couldn't believed they fell for it. 

The school system has a rule that the kid has to be out for 24 hours with a fever. so to top it all off me and my hubby has plans tomorrow, have a date day, probably not to happen. But when I talk to the nurse about her not eating, not feeling good, and coming home plans and how it worked several times this year already, they let me bring her back in the morning, if she's feels good. 

I possibly get my date day, I know in the morning.

Oct 19, 2014

Just Some pictures I wanted to share

It's amazed me that i was able to get a pic of lighting.
A sunset we seen while having dinner in town, and couldn't help but get a picture.

I'm started to miss flowers, I know it's really not even fall, but I don't see any flowers anymore. So I miss flowers. these are some I got pictures of  during the summer.  A long with a four-leaf clover.

I can't wait until next year when I get do plant flowers again. I already have an idea on where I'm going put my plants on my porch.

Oct 14, 2014


This is the last time I will post in Operation: SALT. 


Oct 8, 2014

I'M BACK!!!!

I have internet again, YAY!!!  Party at my place!!! Well later tonight, after the kiddos go to bed. I have some much stuff I want to do online, I have no clue what to do next. 

Oct 7, 2014

Supermom, the can do mom---just might kill me.

Let me start off by saying that, I know there are mothers out there that can do it all, mother, work, student, and have a job, and keep everything going, I give them an stand ovation, or a stiff drink, which every they need.
                But me, I’m not sure what I can do,
   school stuff
   dealing with the kids
student, and
try to take care of myself.

But my husband thinks I’m also the
   car mechanic,
   yard worker,
   work on the house (fixing stuff),
   and wants me to get a job.

                I already have problems taking care of myself, (I haven’t shave my legs in 3 weeks – I know that sad) and a shower is something I have to track though the halls in the middle of the night and I feel like I’m stealing time in there. but…
                Just the other day we were talking about how I need to fix the other car so, he can have something to drive and forward to work, instead of the bike he ride. (Winter is apparently,  cold?) So he was talking about how I need to figure it out and fix it.  I looked at him and asked if he can do it.  Nope, I need to do it, I asked how, all he said was time management. REALLY!!! Time management. Like that will answer all my problems. How about some help?