Oct 20, 2014


What is the school system thinking, 99.7 is a fever! I don't think so, back when I was going to school  100° or over for us, to get to go home. My daughter school call me today because her tummy hurt and she had a 99.7° temperature. I mean really!! They want her to go home over that, couldn't believe it. I actually talk to the nurse about it and about the how she don't eat breakfast is the reason why her tummy hurts and how she will do that to go home. And the only reason why this causes the culmination of sluggishness, her tummy hurt, and the low-grade fever.

I couldn't believed they fell for it. 

The school system has a rule that the kid has to be out for 24 hours with a fever. so to top it all off me and my hubby has plans tomorrow, have a date day, probably not to happen. But when I talk to the nurse about her not eating, not feeling good, and coming home plans and how it worked several times this year already, they let me bring her back in the morning, if she's feels good. 

I possibly get my date day, I know in the morning.

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