Oct 7, 2014

Supermom, the can do mom---just might kill me.

Let me start off by saying that, I know there are mothers out there that can do it all, mother, work, student, and have a job, and keep everything going, I give them an stand ovation, or a stiff drink, which every they need.
                But me, I’m not sure what I can do,
   school stuff
   dealing with the kids
student, and
try to take care of myself.

But my husband thinks I’m also the
   car mechanic,
   yard worker,
   work on the house (fixing stuff),
   and wants me to get a job.

                I already have problems taking care of myself, (I haven’t shave my legs in 3 weeks – I know that sad) and a shower is something I have to track though the halls in the middle of the night and I feel like I’m stealing time in there. but…
                Just the other day we were talking about how I need to fix the other car so, he can have something to drive and forward to work, instead of the bike he ride. (Winter is apparently,  cold?) So he was talking about how I need to figure it out and fix it.  I looked at him and asked if he can do it.  Nope, I need to do it, I asked how, all he said was time management. REALLY!!! Time management. Like that will answer all my problems. How about some help?               

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