Nov 24, 2014

Did you know???

Did you know that if you give someone who hasn't been on caffeine in over a week, an MT Dew voltage, they will stay up ALL night??

Well I know that now!! At 3:30am!!  My Hubby thought he would be nice and give it to me with dinner thinking I haven't had a soda in a while. So now I'm up and can't find anything to do, that wont wake up the kids or The Hubby. So I figure I would write in this, then go to YouTube and watch cat and dog videos till the kids get up around 6.  The wired part is that I used to drink this all the time and then go to bed without any problem.  I guess that I get when I get off the caffeine.

I'm really proud of myself. I put a goal in my mind that I was at least going to drink one "water bottle" of water a day. The one I has is 25oz. so that will be 25oz. of water I would drink a day. Then the next week make it two, Then by the end of the month, I was hoping to making it where I could drink water without any problems.  (Maybe some tea, every now and then).

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