Nov 2, 2014

RANT~~Really, what in the world.


Why is it that school and parents don't teach there young adults(teens) sex ed. I mean a lot of my girl friends, I've had to explain stuff like anatomy and pap smear to them when they are at the age they should know. Hell, one was 20 and didn't know where she peed out off, she thought it all come out of one hole. I know it shouldn't fall on the school, when it was taken out of school the parents should pick up the education. It's because our young adult (teens) don't know whats going on down there is the reason why, some get pregnant at an early age. They find someone who know and "shows them" and end up having sex not knowing whats going on. I know I can't change the world, but I know when my kids of age, I will explain to them everything I know, and if I don't know, I will look it up. My kids is not going into an relationship blind. And that's my promise to them.

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