Nov 30, 2014

Warning: Personal Opinion!!

Warming: Personal Opinion

I thank people need to keep the anger and hate toward other people holiday stuff to them self.  I see, all over Facebook about how WE need to keep christ in christmas. But what about the people who don't celebrate christmas. There are a lot of people who celebrate other holidays that has to do with their religion. There are
Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Yule and some others I have no clue on. So why should we make them say Merry Christmas, if they don't celebrate it.  Would it be right if they made the christian say Happy Hanukkah, or Merry Yule? So why are people pushing the "Merry Christmas"  WHEN it should be what ever you want to say, if you want to say Merry Christmas to anybody without them getting offended. I want to be able to say Merry Yule to anybody I cross. It all means to the same thing. Have a Happy Holiday. It would be easier if no one would get upset over the words.

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