Dec 31, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool day 31

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-thon
Day 31 (I made it!!)

What would you like to celebrate about this month and Kickin' It Old Skool?

I accomplished something!!!! For years I would start something and no finish it. I'm bad about it. Yeah I do finish something, but I have a box of crafts that I started and haven't finished. I will start finishing them this year. A new year a New goal.

Also getting my blog out there. I was always afraid cause of what other people think, but if you read the last couple of post you will see I'm passed that. I'm I am glade.

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Dec 30, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool Day 30 :(

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-thon
Day 30

Kickin' Recipes 

I really don't have any Recipe, my hubby is the cook around here. But he's a real good cook, and the main reason why I having a hate time losing weight. It's not that I don't cook, I just don't go in there and say "hmmm I have this, this, and that, So I can make this." 

Sorry no food Recipe but I have a My Happy Life Recipe

My Happy Life

a lot of happiness

a lot of love

a lot of positive thinking

a lot of fun

and a dash of adventure/courage


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Dec 29, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool Day 29

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-thong
Day 29

Sunday Selfie - Future You 


This was really hard to figure out. I want to be myself more so then anything, hiding what and who I am cause of what other people might think or say it just stupid on my account. I should know better, but I'm still learning.  


I am Me, mother of two with the dream of owning my own bar, with pool tables, dartboard, and stage with karaoke. (Don't have one in this town).


I ride a Harley!!! and part of a starting Motorcycle club, for charity runs and fun.


I do believe in a Goddess. She is all around me as Mother Earth.


I believe ALL people should be love no matter what religion, race, nationally, or sexual preferences


I am Me, and not can take that away.

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Kickin' Old Skool Day 28

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-thon
Day 28.

One Sentence Saturdays ~ Your Word for 2014

My year next year will be beautiful!!!

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Dec 28, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool Day 27

Day 27
Here on our final Friday of the year, let's share a little bit about the year that was 2013

1. What will you remember about 2013?
I started school, and passed first term!!! I'm getting closer to my dream job. Of owning a bar. I have always had this dream. When I had my first child, I seen it drift away. Cause in my mind I couldn't do both.

2. What are you ready to leave behind?
Fear.  Fear of being myself. People are going to judge you no matter what you do, or even if they don't know you. So I'm leaving behind fear of what other people think. I am Me and nobody else.

3. What's something you learned  in 2013?
I have learn that not all people are bad. There is some really good ones out there, who don't care what religion, job, or sexuality is.  I rather be friends with open-minded people then ones who take on look at my pentagram necklace and talk like I'm a devil worshiper or worst act like I'm not human. (It has happen)

4. What would you like to celebrate about this past year?
Getting out, 
Getting out of the pressures of other people.
Getting out of the slum of thinking my dreams will never come true
Getting out of the negative. 

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Dec 26, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool day 26

Kickin' Old Skool blog-a-thon
Day 26

Ten things in the frig.

Cookie, (that my mommy in-law made)
Mini sweet bell peppers (love them!!!!)
grape jelly
Cheddar cheese

I got other stuff, but going in there and looking I realize my family dump a lot of leftover and sweet on us.

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Kickin' It Old Skool day 25

Kickin' It Old Skool Blog-a-thon!!!
Day 25 (I'm a day late :( )

Holiday Traditions!!!
My family don't have any traditions :(  sometime we get together and sometime stuff happens were we don't.  But this year the kids chose a wall tree for the chirstmas tree....

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Dec 24, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool Day 24

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-thon!!!!
Day 24

Holiday Disasters! 

 It sucks being stuck :(

3 years ago we got 2ft of snow, and I was stuck in the house with no power, kids, hubby, and hubby best friends. So even though I had a house full, it wasn't fun. We had a gas heater in the living room so we all had to survive in there, and at that time we really didn't have any bored games. (We do now, just in case). We were stuck for 3 days, power was out for only 2, but still sucked.

The is the side of the house you can really see how deep it is. It was after my hubby and his friend tried to clean the drive way so they could go out. didn't work well.

My hubby starting to clean the sidewalk, you can see the snow up on my car tire. It snow again that night to make it 2ft.
This is just one of my favorite picture I took after a morning frost, so I thought I would add it and show it off.

Dec 23, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool Day 23

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-thon
Day 23


I love books that are crime mystery. These are mine Favorite authors, I really love series. Hit the names and they are link to a page that will give details. Happy exploring.

Iris Johansen, the Eve Duncan Series
 The Iris Johansen books, the Eve Duncan is a forensic sculptor, the help solve crime, while looking for her lost daughter.
J.D. Robb, the In Death Series
 The In Death Series is set in mid-21st century in New York City. The New York police lieutenant Eve Dallas, goes around solving crimes and falling in love and learning about her past.
Laurell K Hamilton, the Anita Blake Series  
The series is about Anita Blake, who works in St. Louis, Missouri, as a professional zombie raiser, vampire executioner and supernatural consultant for the police

I have the most fun reading these kinds of books.

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Dec 22, 2013

Kickin' It Old Skool day 22

Kickin' It Old Skool Blog-a-thon!!!

Day 22

Share with us a picture of you when you were wee!
       I'm still doing this, 3 weeks in and I'm still here. Surprise. (I have a hard time keep up with things. But I'm still here)

So a picture of me when I was young.  The only picture I have is of me when I was 5-ish.

 I'm the one in blue, holding the lion-ish doll. The doll is Cabbage Patch~Koosas Dog~ It the same age as me. And it's a funny thing. I went to my parants today for a early Christmas get together. And she found it, so I still have it. 

The other girl in the picture is My older sister Christina.

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Dec 21, 2013

Kickin' It Old Skool Day 21

Kickin' It Old Skool Blog-a-thon!!!!
Day 21

Today, share with us a quote you love. 

"Have Fun In Life"

I love this quote and I don't know who told it to me or who said it. But I live life by it. You have to have a little fun or life would be boring and stressful.

 Join Us!!! It's Fun!!!

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Dec 20, 2013


I've been busy lately with school, kids, kids appointments, and just life. I haven't got time to do any kind of arts and craft. And I am feeling it.  My muse is yelling at me to create something.

Now that the term at school is over I have a 2 week break. I'll get to creates something I hope.  Kids are home for the Christmas.

Kickin' Old Skool Day 20

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-Thon
Day 20

Let's share the following firsts:

  • Your First Job: Housewife and Mother, and I wouldn't change it for the world.
  • The First Thing to Your Left: My kitty Midnight.  He always right by me, unless my son is home, then he with him.
  • Something You Remember About First Grad: I remember, having to have my hair cute, cause I wouldn't brush it right.
  • The First book you ever read: "Number of the Stars" by Lois Lowry. This is the one I really remember.
  • The First Thing You Do In the Morning: Look at my hubby, and cuddle.
  • The First Food You Knew You Didn't Like: Veggies
  • Your First Memory: I'm sitting with my mom, and she was asking what I wanted a sister or brother.  I said sister, and that what I got. 

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Dec 19, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool Day 19!!!

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-Thon!!!
Day 19

What in the Bag!!!!

What are 10 Things Currently In Your Bag?

I normally don't carry bag, cause I do most of my stuff on my phone, but when I do this is whats in it...

OK, So here it is!!
Orange journal for waiting anything in while I'm not home.

Multicolor pencil box, that had highlighters, color pens, and of course pencils.

Batman!!! Zipper pouch, that has embroidery thread, for making bracelets. (Love Batman!)

Sunscreen (cause you never know)


Snack bars for all day outings

13/14 agenda calendar, I know most people use electronic now, but it's easier to write down the appt date when your on the phone. (Plus a hard copy in case electronic one breaks).

Headphones (MUSIC!!!!) but I'm also wrapping it with embroidery thread.

Wallet (Batman!!!)

I do go out on daily trip, to take photos, write, and just be with myself. That the best thing in the world.

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Dec 18, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool day 18

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-Thon
Day 18

Wishcasting Wednesday!!!

I wish for the health for my family, my son finally got the neurology appointment we've been waiting on. So maybe they'll figure out whats going on with him. And the surgery I'm having, to remove the gallstones, will go smoothly.

I wish for my daughter happiness, she had a rough past couple of years. And I wish my hubby all good things to come.

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Dec 17, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool Day 17

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-Thon
Day 17

We share some Inspiration Words. 
You share what they inspire in you.


A place of relaxation, cool, slow movement, and calming


 A sunny day with a cool breeze. Freshly out of the dryer towels.


The beach, ocean water, and getting on a boat.


A life time.  Can come quick and leave just as fast.

Darkness, safe, starts, and moon. Fell with mystery and secrete.

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Dec 16, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool day 16!!!

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-thon day 16

My favorite music...

Anything that speaks to my soul.  I listen to a little bit everything.  Rock, classic rock, metal, classical, and folk. Just whatever.  Why I actually do is have all my music in a playlist and skip the ones that I'm just feeling it.  But MY song is call "Crazy Babies" by Ozzy Osborne. My hubby tell me that song is all me.

Part of "Crazy Babies" by Ozzy Osborne

Crazy babies in a world of their own
I am a crazy babe
You'd better leave me alone tonight

Nobody's gonna change me (change me)
I'm gonna do it 'till I die
Nobody's gonna tame me (tame me)
So you better not try

 Another song I love is Gloria Gaynor -"I am What I am"
 This is part of this song, or you can clink on the link and go to

I am what I am
I am my own special creation
So come take a look
Give me the hook or the ovation
It's my world
That I want to have a little pride
My world
And it's not a place I have to hide in

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Dec 15, 2013

Kickin' It Old Skool Day 15

It's day 15!!! Kickin' It Old Skool Blog-a-thon!!!


Me and My Hubby!! During one of our date days. play around at the park in town.

THE two Handfuls This was taken during the summer, they decided to play in the mud after we got done playing with the water.

Fur baby Midnight, he had just got done playing with the kids.I think they wore him out.
Fur baby Bella short for BellaDonna, She the moody one.

This is my little family. I can't say we're happy all the time, but we make it work.

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Dec 14, 2013

Kickin' It Old Skool Day 14!!!

Day 14 of the Kickin' It Old Skool blog-a-thon!

One Sentence Saturday - From A Book

 Share one sentence from a book. Grab the third book on your top shelf of my book shelf.

"Wildlife and the Wild Woman are both endangered species."
 From the book, "Women Who Run with the  Wolves" by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.
This is my go to book when I need some courage.

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Dec 13, 2013

Kickin' It Old Skool day 13

Day 13 of Kickin' It Old Skool.

Love!! My hubby.

He's the love of my life, he has been there for everything.  I've know him for 17 years, meet him 7th grade, He was 8th grade, when we was in a fight and he bit me in the arm.  We became friends after that. He went off to see the counrty and I finished high school. Then he came back and we got together then. We had first kid a year later then our second 3 years later.  We married in 2009.

May 21, 2009