This is so much fun.
Color play!!!!
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Found on pinterest. |
When I think of color red, is love and angry. Weird.
The closes red thing is a can of Coca-Cola. I have one every morning. (Know it’s not really good for me, but I drink tea the rest of the day)
The last thing that made me really angry is watch some father hit his young son with his fist. I call the cops. You don’t hit a child out of anger.
Fan of romance, kind of, the books tends to be to sappy. Cause in real life it really doesn’t happen like that.
Temper? What temper? But according to my hubby… “Yes, yes she does”!
Green grass, tree leaves, and jealousy
Closes green to me is the bamboos plant that surprisenly still alive. The cat or kids haven’t tried to kill it.
My favorite green environment is the forest, behind my parent’s house.
Jealousy is a waste of time.
I thank I’m a lucky person, hubby, kids, and got everything we need.
Purple, happiness, playful, spiritual,
My amethyst crystal and my star nose ring.
I really don’t like being treated like royalty, I rather being playing in the dirt.
Love mystery, I love being mysterious about some things.
I am very intuitive, I go with my gut ever time.
The sky!!!
My Eeyore hoodie, with the work moody.
Some days I’m good at calming people down, unless I’m in a panic also.
I love lake, being in Arkansas, there are 4 lakes with in a hour drive from my house.
I cried when I was so stressed about something I couldn’t do anything to fix.
In most cases I’m a logical thinker, but I have a very creative mind.
The sun!!!
My iphone, My hubby got it for me for my birthday.
Happiest time in my life was when my children were born.
Halloween is my favorite holiday, something about dressing up as someone else if freaking fun.
See people happy makes me happy.
I think of finger nail polish, I really don’t use pink, but pink is the thing I think of.
The pink and purple tie dye bag, is by my feet.
I love chocolate, so chocolate cake, ice cream, and hot chocolate.
I think I’m sensitive,
My favorite flower is Roses, any color. I really love black roses, even though some say it doesn’t exist.
Yes, I do.
An Orange, love fruit.
Yes, I dress up for Halloween. I went as an over work, under paid, stress out mother. All I had to do it mess up my hair, and walk around like I haven’t had enough sleep.
Kitten, puppy, and baby animals
Dirt!! Growing a garden.
The tea, I’m drinking.
Milk chocolate.
Going outside grounds me.
The belly of my kitty cat.
Yeah, peace is better then fighting.
Love playing in the snow.
Calming darkness.
The back of my kitty cat.
I’m very silly.
Yes, secrets shhhhhh
Black is always the new black.
Yay!! that was fun.
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