Dec 2, 2013

Kicken' it Old Skool day 2 Time Capsule

Day 2 Time Capsule
Let's capture this moment in time.

What are you reading?
Right now I'm reading the Iris Johansen, Eve Duncan book series. I'm in book7,  "Stalemate". You can find out more with my favorite website for books. 

What are you watching?
I really don't watch anything. Can't seem to set down long enough to watch something all the way through. But I do put on crime shows as background noise. 

What are you listening to?
I always tell people I listen to songs that touch my  soul. No matter what kind, weather fills my heart with joy or sadness I'll listen to it. 

What are you loving?
I'm loving living!!!  Love my family!  I'm loving nature walks, dancing, and meeting people. Seeing new places and trying new things. Sunsets.  Really love taking nature photos, while on nature walks.

What are you wearing?
I'm wearing a purple long shelve shirt, cause it chilly outside, my favorite pair of jeans, and a peace sign head ban. Purple is my favorite color, the color that makes me happy. And I'm always wearing it with my amethyst Crystal. 

What are you creating?  
With a busy schedules have many different craft project going. I have a project of wrapping thread around my headphone, that I pack everywhere, so when I'm waiting somewhere I have something to do.  When I'm at home I make jewelry, and put some of the tutorials on this blog.

This is one of the ear rings I made and have the tutorial here.

What are you looking forward to?
I'm really looking forward to growing more.Tomorrow!!!!!

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