Dec 23, 2013

Kickin' Old Skool Day 23

Kickin' Old Skool Blog-a-thon
Day 23


I love books that are crime mystery. These are mine Favorite authors, I really love series. Hit the names and they are link to a page that will give details. Happy exploring.

Iris Johansen, the Eve Duncan Series
 The Iris Johansen books, the Eve Duncan is a forensic sculptor, the help solve crime, while looking for her lost daughter.
J.D. Robb, the In Death Series
 The In Death Series is set in mid-21st century in New York City. The New York police lieutenant Eve Dallas, goes around solving crimes and falling in love and learning about her past.
Laurell K Hamilton, the Anita Blake Series  
The series is about Anita Blake, who works in St. Louis, Missouri, as a professional zombie raiser, vampire executioner and supernatural consultant for the police

I have the most fun reading these kinds of books.

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