Dec 22, 2013

Kickin' It Old Skool day 22

Kickin' It Old Skool Blog-a-thon!!!

Day 22

Share with us a picture of you when you were wee!
       I'm still doing this, 3 weeks in and I'm still here. Surprise. (I have a hard time keep up with things. But I'm still here)

So a picture of me when I was young.  The only picture I have is of me when I was 5-ish.

 I'm the one in blue, holding the lion-ish doll. The doll is Cabbage Patch~Koosas Dog~ It the same age as me. And it's a funny thing. I went to my parants today for a early Christmas get together. And she found it, so I still have it. 

The other girl in the picture is My older sister Christina.

 Kickin' It Old Skool Badge

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